U.S. Energy Information Administration
Database of State Incentives
for Renewables and Efficiency
Wilson Rickerson and Robert C. Grace, The
Debate over Fixed Price Incentives for Renewable
Electricity in Europe and the United States: Fallout and Future Directions, Heinrich Böll Foundation, February 2007, www.boell.org/docs/Rickerson_Grace_FINAL.pdf.
Miguel Mendonça, Feed-In Tariffs (London: Earthscan Publications, 2007).
Renewable Energy World Online, "EU Sets Target of 20% from Renewables by 2020," March 12, 2007, www.renewableenergyaccess.com/rea/news/story?id=47722
The Economist
"A bear at the throat," April 14, 2007.
"How business is starting to tackle climate change, and how governments need to help," May 31, 2007.
"What price carbon?" March 15, 2007.
United Kingdom Department of Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, Reform of the Renewables Obligation, May 2007.
American Wind Energy Association, The Renewables Portfolio Standard: How It Works and Why It's Needed, October 1997, www.awea.org/policy/rpsbrief.html.
British Wind Energy Association.
Dieter Holm, Renewable Energy Future for the Developing World, International Solar Energy Society, 2005, whitepaper.ises.org/ISES-WP-600DV.pdf.